You don’t have to be Hercule Poirot…

…to realise that things on The Loddon Eye have been a bit quiet of late. To say the least.

Well the time has finally come for me to bite the bullet and apologise.


I hope everyone had a fantastic festive period, I know I certainly did. It was, however, typically hectic. The house was filled with family and friends and there never seemed to be a quiet moment. Coupled with this, working part time in retail over Christmas suddenly becomes anything but ‘part time’. Anyone who has ever worked in a store in the lead up to Christmas and the following chaos of sales will hopefully sympathise with me. As such, The Loddon Eye, my free-time project, has suffered dreadfully.

Once you hit a patch like this it seems to become more and more difficult to get the ball rolling again. However, now we are zipping into late January at a frightful speed it finally feels like things are getting back to normal. So it is time to focus on The Loddon Eye once again. And fear not dear readers, I have made certain changes which will hopefully allow me to put more time into the site and push this humble hyperlocal project onwards and upwards.

There is still a huge amount of potential for The Loddon Eye and hopefully 2011 will be a good year for both Loddon and this site.

I guess I have just learned exactly how hard it is to work and maintain a successful side project simultaneously. It is something I’m just going to have to become accustomed to though… unless anyone is willing to pay me a wage for running The Loddon Eye of course!

Happy (belated) New Year everybody… may 2011 be extraordinarily prosperous.

The Loddon Eye

About The Loddon Eye

Part experiment, part personal project, part quest to provide *something* for the area... let's turn this into something wonderful!
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